Part 1 In this part of the pr oject we had to create a random yet easy to remember password which includes 8 characters at the least containing numbers, symbols and capital and small case letters using a specific password generator . My resault is "kQv3Q=jJ" and its memoristic rule is "korean Queen visa 3 Queen = jack Jack". Even though it may look difficult to remember it turn out to be quite easily as I found it quite funny. And creating a password formed exclusivily by words was also required (Jey!) but now we had to use a different webpage And the password we got is "toyfirsttableyes" which gets stuck in your brain as it rhymes.. Part 2 Now we have open a trial account in the password manager . *¿Where are the passwords storaged? The password are storaged in the main page which is called "sitios". *¿Who is, aside from you, able to see your password...